Friday, September 16, 2016


The first story in the Trilogy is "Clawed" - The story concerns fables and how in this case they were true. We have a young girl, Emma, looking for answers concerning her suspected background, her missing father and the tales he told as she was growing up. Were the tales in fact true. She, along with her twin cousins, Jasper and Jade, decides to go searching for answers but what she finds is much more than she expected Now, as she discovers who and what she is, she must make some hard decisions concerning her destiny and the men, Gus and Julian, she has come to love. Will she follow her families destiny or her heart, or is there a third choice she can make. Pick up a copy and read one of Ophelia Bell's latest stories and maybe you will have second thoughts on those old wives tales you've heard before.

The second story is "Bitten" and now we have Jasper's story; the cousin of Emma and the brother of Jade. Jasper has in the distant past had a relationship that hurt him badly and now does not believe that he will find "real" love, that he will just be hurt again. What, or whom, he finds in this new world will make it hard for him to keep that belief. He and Jade are saved by Autumn and Gunner and his immediate attraction to the both of them confuses and scares him. But they are determined to show him he is wrong and will do what they have to. He must willing accept Autumn for her to bond and mate them both. Read this erotic and at times humorous story of what they all go through in trying to accomplish this; you never know Jasper may be two hard-headed to accept this world's fate.

The third story, "Nailed" and is Jada's story. She is use to the human world that she grew up in and is finding it hard to accept the role women have in this world. A world where women have the power. She wants a man who will take what he wants not because it's his duty. She has a lot to learn about what love and desire can accomplish. She finds she's attracted to two men, Sten and Orrick, both with their own beauty and desires, but feels that they don't want her for themselves but only for what she desires. Then she meets Aidan, whose been stripped of his family, home and has lost the woman he's loved forever. Her attraction for him is even stronger than for the other two. Can she show him he's worthy, can she really love and want all three. Read and see what happens to these four people, can she make them want her because it's her or will it be their duty. Oh my this is one hot story that you just have to read.

We have a BONUS in the Trilogy - "Solstice" in this we have more of Emma's story and what happens a year after meeting and bonding with her mates. They have returned to the Sanctuary, where Emma now lives with her family, including her mother the Queen. It is time of the Solstice celebration and the coronation of her becoming Queen. But little does she understand what that means. There's a surprise at the end, which I will not give away her, but it's an exciting one.

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